
 APIs listing that haven't been encountered in previous sample apps:

 - product: Returns an array of all combinations of elements from all arrays.

   For example, [1,2].product([1,2]) would return the following array...
   [[1,1], [1,2], [2,1], [2,2]]
   More than two arrays can be given to product and it will still work,
   such as [1,2].product([1,2],[3,4]). What would product return in this case?


 - num1.fdiv(num2): Returns the float division (will have a decimal) of the two given numbers.
   For example, 5.fdiv(2) = 2.5 and 5.fdiv(5) = 1.0

 - yield: Allows you to call a method with a code block and yield to that block.


 - Hash#inside_rect?: Returns true or false depending on if the point is inside the rect.

 - String interpolation: Uses #{} syntax; everything between the #{ and the } is evaluated
   as Ruby code, and the placeholder is replaced with its corresponding value or result.

 - args.inputs.mouse.click: This property will be set if the mouse was clicked.

 - Ternary operator (?): Will evaluate a statement (just like an if statement)
   and perform an action if the result is true or another action if it is false.

 - reject: Removes elements from a collection if they meet certain requirements.

 - args.outputs.borders: An array. The values generate a border.
   The parameters are [X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, RED, GREEN, BLUE]
   For more information about borders, go to mygame/documentation/03-solids-and-borders.md.

 - args.outputs.labels: An array. The values generate a label.
   For more information about labels, go to mygame/documentation/02-labels.


# This sample app is a classic game of Tic Tac Toe.
class TicTacToe
  attr_gtk # class macro that adds outputs, inputs, state, etc to class

  def tick

  def init_new_game
    state.current_turn       ||= :x
    state.space_combinations ||= [-1, 0, 1].product([-1, 0, 1]).to_a
    if !state.spaces
      state.square_size ||= 80
      state.board_left  ||= grid.w_half - state.square_size * 1.5
      state.board_top   ||= grid.h_half - state.square_size * 1.5
      state.spaces = {}
      state.space_combinations.each do |x, y|
        state.spaces[x]    ||= {}
        state.spaces[x][y] ||= {}
        state.spaces[x][y].hitbox ||= {
          x: state.board_left + (x + 1) * state.square_size,
          y: state.board_top  + (y + 1) * state.square_size,
          w: state.square_size,
          h: state.square_size

  # Uses borders to create grid squares for the game's board. Also outputs the game pieces using labels.
  def render_board
    # At first glance, the add(1) looks pretty trivial. But if you remove it,
    # you'll see that the positioning of the board would be skewed without it!
    # Or if you put 2 in the parenthesis, the pieces will be placed in the wrong squares
    # due to the change in board placement.
    outputs.borders << all_spaces.map do |space| # outputs borders for all board spaces

    hovered_box = all_spaces.find do |space|
      inputs.mouse.inside_rect?(space.hitbox) && !space.piece

    if hovered_box && !state.game_over
      args.outputs.solids << { x: hovered_box.hitbox.x,
                               y: hovered_box.hitbox.y,
                               w: hovered_box.hitbox.w,
                               h: hovered_box.hitbox.h,
                               r: 0,
                               g: 100,
                               b: 200,
                               a: 80 }

    # put label in each filled space of board
    outputs.labels << filled_spaces.map do |space|
      { x: space.hitbox.x + space.hitbox.w / 2,
        y: space.hitbox.y + space.hitbox.h / 2,
        anchor_x: 0.5,
        anchor_y: 0.5,
        size_px: 40,
        text: space.piece }

    # Uses a label to output whether x or o won, or if a draw occurred.
    # If the game is ongoing, a label shows whose turn it currently is.
    outputs.labels << if state.x_won
                        { x: 640, y: 600, text: "x won", size_px: 40, anchor_x: 0.5, anchor_y: 0.5 }
                      elsif state.o_won
                        { x: 640, y: 600, text: "o won", size_px: 40, anchor_x: 0.5, anchor_y: 0.5 }
                      elsif state.draw
                        { x: 640, y: 600, text: "draw", size_px: 40, anchor_x: 0.5, anchor_y: 0.5 }
                        { x: 640, y: 600, text: "turn: #{state.current_turn}", size_px: 40, anchor_x: 0.5, anchor_y: 0.5 }

  # Calls the methods responsible for handling user input and determining the winner.
  # Does nothing unless the mouse is clicked.
  def input_board
    return unless inputs.mouse.click

  # Handles user input for placing pieces on the board.
  def input_place_piece
    return if state.game_over

    # Checks to find the space that the mouse was clicked inside of, and makes sure the space does not already
    # have a piece in it.
    space = all_spaces.find do |space|
      inputs.mouse.click.point.inside_rect?(space.hitbox) && !space.piece

    # The piece that goes into the space belongs to the player whose turn it currently is.
    return unless space

    space.piece = state.current_turn

    # This ternary operator statement allows us to change the current player's turn.
    # If it is currently x's turn, it becomes o's turn. If it is not x's turn, it become's x's turn.
    state.current_turn = state.current_turn == :x ? :o : :x

  # Resets the game.
  def input_restart_game
    return unless state.game_over

  # Checks if x or o won the game.
  # If neither player wins and all nine squares are filled, a draw happens.
  # Once a player is chosen as the winner or a draw happens, the game is over.
  def determine_winner
    state.x_won = won? :x # evaluates to either true or false (boolean values)
    state.o_won = won? :o
    state.draw = true if filled_spaces.length == 9 && !state.x_won && !state.o_won
    state.game_over = state.x_won || state.o_won || state.draw

  # Determines if a player won by checking if there is a horizontal match or vertical match.
  # Horizontal_match and vertical_match have boolean values. If either is true, the game has been won.
  def won? piece
    # performs action on all space combinations
    won = [[-1, 0, 1]].product([-1, 0, 1]).map do |xs, y|
      # Checks if the 3 grid spaces with the same y value (or same row) and
      # x values that are next to each other have pieces that belong to the same player.
      # Remember, the value of piece is equal to the current turn (which is the player).
      horizontal_match = state.spaces[xs[0]][y].piece == piece &&
                         state.spaces[xs[1]][y].piece == piece &&
                         state.spaces[xs[2]][y].piece == piece

      # Checks if the 3 grid spaces with the same x value (or same column) and
      # y values that are next to each other have pieces that belong to the same player.
      # The && represents an "and" statement: if even one part of the statement is false,
      # the entire statement evaluates to false.
      vertical_match = state.spaces[y][xs[0]].piece == piece &&
                       state.spaces[y][xs[1]].piece == piece &&
                       state.spaces[y][xs[2]].piece == piece

      horizontal_match || vertical_match # if either is true, true is returned

    # Sees if there is a diagonal match, starting from the bottom left and ending at the top right.
    # Is added to won regardless of whether the statement is true or false.
    won << (state.spaces[-1][-1].piece == piece && # bottom left
            state.spaces[ 0][ 0].piece == piece && # center
            state.spaces[ 1][ 1].piece == piece)   # top right

    # Sees if there is a diagonal match, starting at the bottom right and ending at the top left
    # and is added to won.
    won << (state.spaces[ 1][-1].piece == piece && # bottom right
            state.spaces[ 0][ 0].piece == piece && # center
            state.spaces[-1][ 1].piece == piece)   # top left

    # Any false statements (meaning false diagonal matches) are rejected from won

  # Defines filled spaces on the board by rejecting all spaces that do not have game pieces in them.
  # The ! before a statement means "not". For example, we are rejecting any space combinations that do
  # NOT have pieces in them.
  def filled_spaces
    all_spaces.reject { |space| !space.piece } # reject spaces with no pieces in them

  # Defines all spaces on the board.
  def all_spaces
    state.space_combinations.map do |x, y|
      state.spaces[x][y] # yield if a block is given

$tic_tac_toe = nil

def tick args
  args.outputs.labels << { x: 640,
                           y: 700,
                           anchor_x: 0.5,
                           anchor_y: 0.5,
                           text: "Sample app shows how to work with mouse clicks and hitboxes." }
  $tic_tac_toe ||= TicTacToe.new
  $tic_tac_toe.args = args