APIs that haven't been encountered in a previous sample apps:
- args.inputs.mouse.click: This property will be set if the mouse was clicked.
- args.inputs.mouse.click.point.(x|y): The x and y location of the mouse.
- args.inputs.mouse.click.point.created_at: The frame the mouse click occurred in.
- args.inputs.mouse.click.point.created_at_elapsed: How many frames have passed
since the click event.
- args.state.PROPERTY: The state property on args is a dynamic
structure. You can define ANY property here with ANY type of
arbitrary nesting. Properties defined on args.state will be retained
across frames. If you attempt access a property that doesn't exist
on args.state, it will simply return nil (no exception will be thrown).
# This code demonstrates DragonRuby mouse input
# To see if the a mouse click occurred
# Use args.inputs.mouse.click
# Which returns a boolean
# To see where a mouse click occurred
# Use args.inputs.mouse.click.point.x AND
# args.inputs.mouse.click.point.y
# To see which frame the click occurred
# Use args.inputs.mouse.click.created_at
# To see how many frames its been since the click occurred
# Use args.inputs.mouse.click.created_at_elapsed
# Saving the click in args.state can be quite useful
def tick args
args.outputs.labels << { x: 640,
y: 700,
anchor_x: 0.5,
anchor_y: 0.5,
text: "Sample app shows how mouse events are registered and how to measure elapsed time." }
x = 460
args.outputs.labels << small_label(args, x, 11, "Mouse input: args.inputs.mouse")
if args.inputs.mouse.click
args.state.last_mouse_click = args.inputs.mouse.click
if args.state.last_mouse_click
click = args.state.last_mouse_click
args.outputs.labels << small_label(args, x, 12, "Mouse click happened at: #{click.created_at}")
args.outputs.labels << small_label(args, x, 13, "Mouse clicked #{click.created_at_elapsed} ticks ago")
args.outputs.labels << small_label(args, x, 14, "Mouse click location: #{click.point.x}, #{click.point.y}")
args.outputs.labels << small_label(args, x, 12, "Mouse click has not occurred yet.")
args.outputs.labels << small_label(args, x, 13, "Please click mouse.")
def small_label args, x, row, message
{ x: x,
y: 720 - 5 - 20 * row,
text: message }