# sample app shows how to do ramp collision
# based off of the writeup here:
# http://higherorderfun.com/blog/2012/05/20/the-guide-to-implementing-2d-platformers/
# NOTE: at the bottom of the file you'll find $gtk.reset_and_replay "replay.txt"
# whenever you make changes to this file, a replay will automatically run so you can
# see how your changes affected the game. Comment out the line at the bottom if you
# don't want the replay to autmatically run.
def tick args
tick_toolbar args
tick_game args
def tick_game args
game_defaults args
game_input args
game_calc args
game_render args
def game_input args
# if space is pressed or held (signifying a jump)
if args.inputs.keyboard.space
# change the player's dy to the jump power if the
# player is not currently touching a ceiling
if !args.state.player.on_ceiling
args.state.player.dy = args.state.player.jump_power
args.state.player.on_floor = false
args.state.player.jumping = true
# if the space key is released, then jumping is false
# and the player will no longer be on the ceiling
args.state.player.jumping = false
args.state.player.on_ceiling = false
# set the player's dx value to the left/right input
# NOTE: that the speed of the player's dx movement has
# a sensitive relation ship with collision detection.
# If you increase the speed of the player, you may
# need to tweak the collision code to compensate for
# the extra horizontal speed.
args.state.player.dx = args.inputs.left_right * 2
def game_render args
# for each terrain entry, render the line that represents the connection
# from the tile's left_height to the tile's right_height
args.outputs.primitives << args.state.terrain.map { |t| t.line }
# determine if the player sprite needs to be flipped hoizontally
flip_horizontally = args.state.player.facing == -1
# render the player
args.outputs.sprites << args.state.player.merge(flip_horizontally: flip_horizontally)
args.outputs.labels << {
x: 640,
y: 100,
alignment_enum: 1,
text: "Left and Right to move player. Space to jump. Use the toolbar at the top to add more terrain."
args.outputs.labels << {
x: 640,
y: 60,
alignment_enum: 1,
text: "Click any existing terrain on the map to delete it."
def game_calc args
# set the direction the player is facing based on the
# the dx value of the player
if args.state.player.dx > 0
args.state.player.facing = 1
elsif args.state.player.dx < 0
args.state.player.facing = -1
# preform the calcuation of ramp collision
calc_collision args
# reset the player if the go off screen
calc_off_screen args
def game_defaults args
# how much gravity is in the game
args.state.gravity ||= 0.1
# initialized the player to the center of the screen
args.state.player ||= {
x: 640,
y: 360,
w: 16,
h: 16,
dx: 0,
dy: 0,
jump_power: 3,
path: 'sprites/square/blue.png',
on_floor: false,
on_ceiling: false,
facing: 1
def calc_collision args
# increment the players x position by the dx value
args.state.player.x += args.state.player.dx
# if the player is not on the floor
if !args.state.player.on_floor
# then apply gravity
args.state.player.dy -= args.state.gravity
# clamp the max dy value to -12 to 12
args.state.player.dy = args.state.player.dy.clamp(-12, 12)
# update the player's y position by the dy value
args.state.player.y += args.state.player.dy
# get all colisions between the player and the terrain
collisions = args.state.geometry.find_all_intersect_rect args.state.player, args.state.terrain
# if there are no collisions, then the player is not on the floor or ceiling
# return from the method since there is nothing more to process
if collisions.length == 0
args.state.player.on_floor = false
args.state.player.on_ceiling = false
# set a local variable to the player since
# we'll be accessing it a lot
player = args.state.player
# sort the collisions by the distance from the collision's center to the player's center
sorted_collisions = collisions.sort_by do |collision|
player_center = player.x + player.w / 2
collision_center = collision.x + collision.w / 2
(player_center - collision_center).abs
# define a one pixel wide rectangle that represents the center of the player
# we'll use this value to determine the location of the player's feet on
# a ramp
player_center_rect = {
x: player.x + player.w / 2 - 0.5,
y: player.y,
w: 1,
h: player.h
# for each collision...
sorted_collisions.each do |collision|
# if the player doesn't intersect with the collision,
# then set the player's on_floor and on_ceiling values to false
# and continue to the next collision
if !collision.intersect_rect? player_center_rect
player.on_floor = false
player.on_ceiling = false
if player.dy < 0
# if the player is falling
# the percentage of the player's center relative to the collision
# is a difference from the collision to the player (as opposed to the player to the collision)
perc = (collision.x - player_center_rect.x) / player.w
height_of_slope = collision.tile.left_height - collision.tile.right_height
new_y = (collision.y + collision.tile.left_height + height_of_slope * perc)
diff = new_y - player.y
if diff < 0
# if the current fall rate of the player is less than the difference
# of the player's new y position and the player's current y position
# then don't set the player's y position to the new y position
# and wait for another application of gravity to bring the player a little
# closer
if player.dy.abs >= diff.abs
# if the player's current fall speed can cover the distance to the
# new y position, then set the player's y position to the new y position
# and mark them as being on the floor so that gravity no longer get's processed
player.y = new_y
player.on_floor = true
# given the player's speed, set the player's dy to a value that will
# keep them from bouncing off the floor when the ramp is steep
# NOTE: if you change the player's speed, then this value will need to be adjusted
# to keep the player from bouncing off the floor
player.dy = -1
elsif diff > 0 && diff < 8
# there's a small edge case where collision may be processed from
# below the terrain (eg when the player is jumping up and hitting the
# ramp from below). The moment when jump is released, the player's dy
# value could result in the player tunneling through the terrain,
# and get popped on to the top side.
# testing to make sure the distance that will be displaced is less than
# 8 pixels will keep this tunneling from happening
player.y = new_y
player.on_floor = true
# given the player's speed, set the player's dy to a value that will
# keep them from bouncing off the floor when the ramp is steep
# NOTE: if you change the player's speed, then this value will need to be adjusted
# to keep the player from bouncing off the floor
player.dy = -1
elsif player.dy > 0
# if the player is jumping
# the percentage of the player's center relative to the collision
# is a difference is reversed from the player to the collision (as opposed to the player to the collision)
perc = (player_center_rect.x - collision.x) / player.w
# the height of the slope is also reversed when approaching the collision from the bottom
height_of_slope = collision.tile.right_height - collision.tile.left_height
new_y = collision.y + collision.tile.left_height + height_of_slope * perc
# since this collision is being processed from below, the difference
# between the current players position and the new y position is
# based off of the player's top position (their head)
player_top = player.y + player.h
diff = new_y - player_top
# we also need to calculate the difference between the player's bottom
# and the new position. This will be used to determine if the player
# can jump from the new_y position
diff_bottom = new_y - player.y
# if the player's current rising speed can cover the distance to the
# new y position, then set the player's y position to the new y position
# an mark them as being on the floor so that gravity no longer get's processed
can_cover_distance_to_new_y = player.dy >= diff.abs && player.dy.sign == diff.sign
# another scenario that needs to be covered is if the player's top is already passed
# the new_y position (their rising speed made them partially clip through the collision)
player_top_above_new_y = player_top > new_y
# if either of the conditions above is true then we want to set the player's y position
if can_cover_distance_to_new_y || player_top_above_new_y
# only set the player's y position to the new y position if the player's
# cannot escape the collision by jumping up from the new_y position
if diff_bottom >= player.jump_power
player.y = new_y.floor - player.h
# after setting the new_y position, we need to determine if the player
# if the player is touching the ceiling or not
# touching the ceiling disables the ability for the player to jump/increase
# their dy value any more than it already is
if player.jumping
# disable jumping if the player is currently moving upwards
player.on_ceiling = true
# NOTE: if you change the player's speed, then this value will need to be adjusted
# to keep the player from bouncing off the ceiling as they move right and left
player.dy = 1
# if the player is not currently jumping, then set their dy to 0
# so they can immediately start falling after the collision
# this also means that they are no longer on the ceiling and can jump again
player.dy = 0
player.on_ceiling = false
def calc_off_screen args
below_screen = args.state.player.y + args.state.player.h < 0
above_screen = args.state.player.y > 720 + args.state.player.h
off_screen_left = args.state.player.x + args.state.player.w < 0
off_screen_right = args.state.player.x > 1280
# if the player is off the screen, then reset them to the top of the screen
if below_screen || above_screen || off_screen_left || off_screen_right
args.state.player.x = 640
args.state.player.y = 720
args.state.player.dy = 0
args.state.player.on_floor = false
def tick_toolbar args
# ================================================
# tollbar defaults
# ================================================
if !args.state.toolbar
# these are the tiles you can select from
tile_definitions = [
{ name: "16-12", left_height: 16, right_height: 12 },
{ name: "12-8", left_height: 12, right_height: 8 },
{ name: "8-4", left_height: 8, right_height: 4 },
{ name: "4-0", left_height: 4, right_height: 0 },
{ name: "0-4", left_height: 0, right_height: 4 },
{ name: "4-8", left_height: 4, right_height: 8 },
{ name: "8-12", left_height: 8, right_height: 12 },
{ name: "12-16", left_height: 12, right_height: 16 },
{ name: "16-8", left_height: 16, right_height: 8 },
{ name: "8-0", left_height: 8, right_height: 0 },
{ name: "0-8", left_height: 0, right_height: 8 },
{ name: "8-16", left_height: 8, right_height: 16 },
{ name: "0-0", left_height: 0, right_height: 0 },
{ name: "8-8", left_height: 8, right_height: 8 },
{ name: "16-16", left_height: 16, right_height: 16 },
# toolbar data representation which will be used to render the toolbar.
# the buttons array will be used to render the buttons
# the toolbar_rect will be used to restrict the creation of tiles
# within the toolbar area
args.state.toolbar = {
toolbar_rect: nil,
buttons: []
# for each tile definition, create a button
args.state.toolbar.buttons = tile_definitions.map_with_index do |spec, index|
left_height = spec.left_height
right_height = spec.right_height
button_size = 48
column_size = 15
column_padding = 2
column = index % column_size
column_padding = column * column_padding
margin = 10
row = index.idiv(column_size)
row_padding = row * 2
x = margin + column_padding + (column * button_size)
y = (margin + button_size + row_padding + (row * button_size)).from_top
# when a tile is added, the data of this button will be used
# to construct the terrain
# each tile has an x, y, w, h which represents the bounding box
# of the button.
# the button also contains the left_height and right_height which is
# important when determining collision of the ramps
name: spec.name,
left_height: left_height,
right_height: right_height,
button_rect: {
x: x,
y: y,
w: 48,
h: 48
# with the buttons populated, compute the bounding box of the entire
# toolbar (again this will be used to restrict the creation of tiles)
min_x = args.state.toolbar.buttons.map { |t| t.button_rect.x }.min
min_y = args.state.toolbar.buttons.map { |t| t.button_rect.y }.min
max_x = args.state.toolbar.buttons.map { |t| t.button_rect.x }.max
max_y = args.state.toolbar.buttons.map { |t| t.button_rect.y }.max
args.state.toolbar.rect = {
x: min_x - 10,
y: min_y - 10,
w: max_x - min_x + 10 + 64,
h: max_y - min_y + 10 + 64
# set the selected tile to the last button in the toolbar
args.state.selected_tile ||= args.state.toolbar.buttons.last
# ================================================
# starting terrain generation
# ================================================
if !args.state.terrain
world = [
{ row: 14, col: 25, name: "0-8" },
{ row: 14, col: 26, name: "8-16" },
{ row: 15, col: 27, name: "0-8" },
{ row: 15, col: 28, name: "8-16" },
{ row: 16, col: 29, name: "0-8" },
{ row: 16, col: 30, name: "8-16" },
{ row: 17, col: 31, name: "0-8" },
{ row: 17, col: 32, name: "8-16" },
{ row: 18, col: 33, name: "0-8" },
{ row: 18, col: 34, name: "8-16" },
{ row: 18, col: 35, name: "16-12" },
{ row: 18, col: 36, name: "12-8" },
{ row: 18, col: 37, name: "8-4" },
{ row: 18, col: 38, name: "4-0" },
{ row: 18, col: 39, name: "0-0" },
{ row: 18, col: 40, name: "0-0" },
{ row: 18, col: 41, name: "0-0" },
{ row: 18, col: 42, name: "0-4" },
{ row: 18, col: 43, name: "4-8" },
{ row: 18, col: 44, name: "8-12" },
{ row: 18, col: 45, name: "12-16" },
args.state.terrain = world.map do |tile|
template = tile_by_name(args, tile.name)
next if !template
grid_rect = grid_rect_for(tile.row, tile.col)
new_terrain_definition(grid_rect, template)
# ================================================
# toolbar input and rendering
# ================================================
# store the mouse position alligned to the tile grid
mouse_grid_aligned_rect = grid_aligned_rect args.inputs.mouse, 16
# determine if the mouse intersects the toolbar
mouse_intersects_toolbar = args.state.toolbar.rect.intersect_rect? args.inputs.mouse
# determine if the mouse intersects a toolbar button
toolbar_button = args.state.toolbar.buttons.find { |t| t.button_rect.intersect_rect? args.inputs.mouse }
# determine if the mouse click occurred over a tile in the terrain
terrain_tile = args.geometry.find_intersect_rect mouse_grid_aligned_rect, args.state.terrain
# if a mouse click occurs....
if args.inputs.mouse.click
if toolbar_button
# if a toolbar button was clicked, set the currently selected tile to the toolbar tile
args.state.selected_tile = toolbar_button
elsif terrain_tile
# if a tile was clicked, delete it from the terrain
args.state.terrain.delete terrain_tile
elsif !args.state.toolbar.rect.intersect_rect? args.inputs.mouse
# if the mouse was not clicked in the toolbar area
# add a new terrain based off of the information in the selected tile
args.state.terrain << new_terrain_definition(mouse_grid_aligned_rect, args.state.selected_tile)
# render a light blue background for the toolbar button that is currently
# being hovered over (if any)
if toolbar_button
args.outputs.primitives << toolbar_button.button_rect.merge(primitive_marker: :solid, a: 64, b: 255)
# put a blue background around the currently selected tile
args.outputs.primitives << args.state.selected_tile.button_rect.merge(primitive_marker: :solid, b: 255, r: 128, a: 64)
if !mouse_intersects_toolbar
if terrain_tile
# if the mouse is hoving over an existing terrain tile, render a red border around the
# tile to signify that it will be deleted if the mouse is clicked
args.outputs.borders << terrain_tile.merge(a: 255, r: 255)
# if the mouse is not hovering over an existing terrain tile, render the currently
# selected tile at the mouse position
grid_aligned_rect = grid_aligned_rect args.inputs.mouse, 16
args.outputs.solids << {
a: 30,
g: 128
args.outputs.lines << {
x: grid_aligned_rect.x,
y: grid_aligned_rect.y + args.state.selected_tile.left_height,
x2: grid_aligned_rect.x + grid_aligned_rect.w,
y2: grid_aligned_rect.y + args.state.selected_tile.right_height,
# render each toolbar button using two primitives, a border to denote
# the click area of the button, and a line to denote the terrain that
# will be created when the button is clicked
args.outputs.primitives << args.state.toolbar.buttons.map do |toolbar_tile|
primitives = []
scale = toolbar_tile.button_rect.w / 16
primitive_type = :border
primitive_marker: primitive_type,
a: 64,
g: 128
x: toolbar_tile.button_rect.x,
y: toolbar_tile.button_rect.y + toolbar_tile.left_height * scale,
x2: toolbar_tile.button_rect.x + toolbar_tile.button_rect.w,
y2: toolbar_tile.button_rect.y + toolbar_tile.right_height * scale
# ================================================
# helper methods
# converts a row and column on the grid to
# a rect
def grid_rect_for row, col
{ x: col * 16, y: row * 16, w: 16, h: 16 }
# find a tile by name
def tile_by_name args, name
args.state.toolbar.buttons.find { |b| b.name == name }
# data structure containing terrain information
# specifcially tile.left_height and tile.right_height
def new_terrain_definition grid_rect, tile
tile: tile,
line: {
x: grid_rect.x,
y: grid_rect.y + tile.left_height,
x2: grid_rect.x + grid_rect.w,
y2: grid_rect.y + tile.right_height
# helper method that returns a grid aligned rect given
# an arbitrary rect and a grid size
def grid_aligned_rect point, size
grid_aligned_x = point.x - (point.x % size)
grid_aligned_y = point.y - (point.y % size)
{ x: grid_aligned_x.to_i, y: grid_aligned_y.to_i, w: size.to_i, h: size.to_i }
$gtk.reset_and_replay "replay.txt", speed: 2